My thoughs on religion:
1. | a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. |
Religion is such a relative term for many that I thought it would be good to have a starting point. For me a religion can be defined as: a strict adherence to a mode of living life that covers all aspects of it, including but not limited to theism, diet, afterlife, and aesthetics. I highly respect anyone who can devote their lives so wholly to the cause of self-betterment.
Regarding the Existence of God:
Or as I like to say, a "hypothetical-omnipresent-omniscient-heavenly-being." I'll just say "God." It's easier to type out. You've probably already gathered I don't believe in God. So how do I believe we got here? I plan on being a scientist. Ergo, Darwinian Evolution. Further back, as in the creation of the universe? Well, some things are best left unsolved. If there were no mysteries, where would the spark be?
On Christianity/Islam/Judaism:
The reasoning for grouping these together is based on that they all believe in the same God, with the minor difference being the Holy Trinity. God, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, Adonai, it's all one and the same. Each one has its prophets, its holy sites, its holidays, so what's sets these three apart doesn't have that much to do with religion at all.Islam has gained a lot of notoriety because of the radical branches of it. Which is absolutely a shame, as I find Islam to be a very noble religion, especially with the five pillars. Aqidah is something I should look into more. Judaism, the oldest religion, has been adapted so that one need not be that religious to be a member of the community. While Judaism is trying to modernize, it is still a very old fashioned religion that puts a lot of emphasis on tradition rather than the religion of itself. It's very complex, something that you need to devote yourself to fully to actually appreciate for what it is. Christianity, however, is to me not a 'religion.' No other religious group actively tries to convert people to its ranks, or try to show itself off. Peace and Love are good messages and all, but pretty much every other religion preaches that too, and Christianity has been distorted into a business, which to me is mindblowing. The other main difference I see, or at least from an American perspective is the depiction of these three religions, and any others in general. Muslisms are shown as radicals, ready to blow themselves up at a moments notice, and the Jews don't seem to get any respect. They've been getting killed for 5,000 years straight now, can't we give them a break? Christianity though seems to be desired. Let's take a look at the ideal American child, in the eyes of many: Blond, blue-eyed, Straight A's, Honor Roll/Dean's List, Quarterback of the football team, track star, and last but not least, A devout God-fearing christian.
On Polytheism:
Eh, these seem to be more about praying and sacrifice than actual merit.
I just found out about this while I was writing this. Juche is the official "Religion" of North Korea. The reason it's not adhere to the proper definition of religion is because it's more of a forced ideology than a belief system. Regardless, it's still a valid system, since it's about self-reliance, self-sustenance and independence. Of course in the old DPRK, you are your country, so that comes first in that circumstance. Either way, Juche is a way to look out for number one and not be a jerk about it.
On Buddhism:
Buddhism is what I consider the world's truest widespread religion. It covers everything, is all about the self, an overall explanation of how things work and came to be, and can be modified for personal circumstance.
Closing Thoughts:
As an agnostic, I don't care about religion. But as a person, I think theology is really interesting and deserves some deep thought. I may not believe, but given the right circumstances, you never know. After all, there are no atheists in a foxhole.
Feel free to comment or contact me about this. I always enjoy a good debate.
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